Sunday, May 13, 2007

Am posting well before it starts...

Through this blog I plan to share my experiences ,whatever be it, on a daily basis (if i have the time to blog ;-)).So look out for my posts in this blog from June 1st,because by then only i will get my laptop.The title sums it all,my 2 years of MBA at IBS Hyderabad.


Anonymous said...

I want to download a song from a mac but my iPhone is pc based. My friend told me that I only had to unsync my iPhone from my computer and it would work because that's how she said she does it. So how can I transfer a song onto my iPhone with screwing up her computer and my iPhone?
[url=]unlock iphone[/url] [url=]unlock iphone[/url]

Anonymous said...

break into a hotmail account
[url=]hacking hotmail accounts
[/url] sign into hotmail from another site

Anonymous said...

It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think.