Finally!!!!! , all the hustle and bustle related to the American Presidential elections have been put to rest with the election of Barack Obama. Barack Obama has obtained attention in a manner no person can ever fathom about, be it through newspapers, social networking sites, websites he got all the positive attention he required to win the elections; Unlike his republican counterparts, he has shown a level of dignified behavior on and off the field of politics. The obsession people have on this person and his charisma grabbed my attention so as to blog on this guy, that’s why the topic “Have you been obamaized??” …
After 21 months of rigorous campaigning, Obama won the presidential elections with a huge margin over his rival John McCain. I do not understand why there is a lot of excitement in the Indian Contingent not referring the government but to the citizens of India regarding his election to power. I do not remember any of the fellow citizens celebrate the election of either Bill Clinton or George Bush but why this level of excitement is attributed to Obama?
There are a lot of doubts hanging in the air regarding Obama’s ease of handling the pressures attached to leading one of the top geo-political powers of the world. The policies he will be adopting in power are not fool-proof as being relatively an amateur in the field of US politics when compared to McCain. The policies he would have to frame have to be so effective that they have to do the following:
· Restore the lost confidence in the minds of the people about their country emerging economic crisis.
· Reduce the level of unemployment in the nation which is currently very high compared to the 1990s.
· Restructuring the tax rates so as to help the US economy stand back on its own feet an etc…
Obama can devise effective policies only by having the advice of experts like Warren Buffett, former President Bill Clinton and better not repeat a Greenspan blunder.
Unlike Bush, Obama has to do a lot so as to restore the American pride back to where it belongs. Bush had lots of resources to spend when he had come to power, so he spent it unwisely on the supposedly “war on terror”.
Coming to the “war on terror”, will Obama continue to do the same fighting one of the world’s bigger problems? If he does, he would have to go back on his words on the callback of the American troops from Iraq, as he would have reposition them in Afghanistan due to the rise of Taliban insurgency. He would have to scrutinize this very keenly and decide accordingly, as he had promised to cut back on the defense expenditure when in power so as to redirect the funds to help out the nation’s economy. Hope he does not indulge in the same fetish as Bush had: Hegemony in the name of “war on terror”.
In the current geopolitical scenario, he has to perform lots so as to nullify the influence the other geo-political powers like EU, China are having on the Second World and the Third World Countries. China are increasing their geo-political sphere of influence in an exponential rate trying to outpace USA and the EU by providing resources, setting up factories, constructing roads in the Second and Third World Countries, whereas EU has been concentrating mainly on its member states so as to harmonize the region and are also developing in a manner so as to replace the US Dollar with Euro as the currency for any kind of export/import transactions in the near future. Geo-politics is a funny game, one’s misery is the opportunity for the other players, this is reality and Obama has to wake up from the doze and try to restore back USA’s sphere of influence in the Geo-political arena.
Now, the main part, how Obama’s election to power would affect us, Indians?? It would affect us in many ways. As he had promised to restore back US to its glory days, he would try to devise more incentives so as to curb the process of outsourcing to India, thereby restoring the lost jobs. So that’s a big blow to us because, India’s GDP is mainly contributed by the services sector which includes a crux through the contribution of the BPO/KPO companies, in this scenario our economy for sure would take a beating. Next is the Nuclear Treaty, now that the 1-2-3 agreement been signed and far from any kind of danger, still it faces a threat from Obama who had opposed certain clauses of the agreement. He is driven by a motive to force India and Pakistan to sign the CTBT, thereby curbing any kind of testing of the nuclear technology. He also wants to put a full stop to the everlasting Kashmir problem by brokering between India and Pakistan.
As Obama comes from an urban background, will he turn out to be another JFK? Or will do another Bush? Can he be another Franklin Roosevelt, bailing the nation out of the crisis which is hitting/tarnishing USA and its image very badly in the political arena?
Barack Obama turned out to be a box-office hit even before taking power as The President, will he continue his run as a hit or will he turn out to be just another character overly hyped like the second term election of Bush. Time will tell whether he is a wolf in the sheep’s clothing or he is a mere sheep. Let his actions speak and we shall decide the character of this “charismatic” leader in another 4 years starting from next year when Obama enters his Oval Office as The President of The United States of America.
I'm not sure if I've been 'Obama'ized, but, I've certainly been 'Palin'ized!!
A well written blog. You are right in pointing out some of the concerns of the world. The one thing which alarms me is the nomination of advisory committee for kashmir issue. Kashmir is an internal dispute between India and Pakistan, but Obama by appointing a panel would thrust his views on this sensitive issue.Also, through this 123 agreement, India is under the control of U.S.I dont know if iam obamaized but iam surely eashwarised by your blog..
Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.
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