Dreams Aplenty---One might think that through this post I might focus on the ambitions one has in his life.Thats not the case though.What is a dream??On referring to a dictionary one might get the following answers for the apt definiton of a dream:
1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
2. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.
Every guy in this world goes to his bed hoping that he gets a dream in such a way that he can cherish each moment of it.A guy would love to have his dreamgirl show up in his dreams every night.Each guy would love to live with his heartthrob atleast in his dreams(I am sure about that).It is an idyllic realm where each one us would be able to talk to our loved ones in the way we want to and take them wherever we wish to take.Each guy would love to have his girl hand in hand in his dream and spend as much time as possible with her.All these are possible only in one's dreams.Other than these there are lots more to be touched upon.
People crazy on sports love to get in person with their favourite sport stars.But most of them do not have the opportunity to get in person with them.The only place they can get in person is that of their idyllic realm--Dreams.I am an Australian Cricket fanatic,like I said I did not have the opportunity to meet any of the team's players.I am great fan of both Mark Waugh and Steve Waugh.If I remember properly I once had a dream like I am practising with those two guys in my terrace(Serious!!!).I still cherish each moment of that dream.It was one my best dreams.
People love to be the most richest in the world(I am one of them :-) ).To be the most richest it can be made possible in two ways either in the dreamland or by making the dream come true.Its of no use to be the richest in the dreamland.It matters only when you are in reality,so we must make our dreams come true.Every guy aspires to be what he wants to be(Pretty Confusing!!!).Aspirations are part of life and has to be,without which one cannot be successful in his life.We can dream but dreaming alone should not be the case,only when we work towards it we can achieve.
Sometimes one might get a dream where certain things are totally irrelevant, but when analysing the dream as such, one might find out that all emotions,events,sensations at the base of their heart has been summed up to form a totally irrelevant dream.It does make sense...And there is no way that one can decide upon as to what dream should come in his sleep because dreams occur involuntarily.
I have tried to justify the two definitons of what a "dream" is all about..I would like to quote a few on dreams:
"A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement."-Bo Bennett
"One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams."-E.V.Lucas.
So guys cherish each second of your dreams because you might get another chance to relive those moments.
*This post is from a guy's perspective...
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What Should I Blog About???
Man,I have been going through an hell of a time pondering about the topic my next blog should be about.I irritated some of my pals to help me out in finding an apt topic for my next blog.This blog says it all..What should I Blog about????
Last weekend I thought that the topic for my next post should be about : as to how a girl and a boy come to know each other in college and how they end up as lovers and finally as life partners.I wanted to keep the title as "Perfect Strangers".Since there was very little information about that topic i left that topic and jumped onto a new one.
The next topic I wanted to post was about the famous rivalries around the world.I thought this one was a good one to talk about, but later changed my mind because of the fact that I had two posts on sports earlier,so scrapped the thought of posting about the "Famous Rivalries".
Then came the not so ultimate one,I prepared my mind to write about what all guys do when they stay in their in friend's place for a night,in my next post "One Night @ The Friend's Place" .I was thinking about the points that were to be discussed in the post.I myself having night-stayed many times in my friend's place had lots to write about : like the experiences we guys used to have,the fun we have,the topics we talked about,about the girls of my class.It was all turning out to be an Dirty Post(it is implicit).So i once again changed my mind not to post that one(I am so damn fickle minded!!!;-)).
Later asked my friend to help me out in finding a topic for the next post,my pal and myself being misogynists he asked me to write about what guys look for in a girl.It was such a crap topic,told him I was not interested to write about that.I do not know why I hate to write about Les Femmes.
Then in college,I had so much time that i could easily write about a topic.The topic I thought about was about the experiences rather trauma,myself and my pals go through one hour before our assessments and before the semester exams.And about what all a normal college guy can do in an hour or so.The title i chose for that post was "The Hour Game".It was a good topic to talk about,but I felt that I should not be so amateurish.That was my last "to be talked about" post.
Later in the evening while returning home from college I had this idea as to share my experiences about what all i wished to talk about in my next post that is this post.So I successfully published my next post "What Should I Blog About???".
Last weekend I thought that the topic for my next post should be about : as to how a girl and a boy come to know each other in college and how they end up as lovers and finally as life partners.I wanted to keep the title as "Perfect Strangers".Since there was very little information about that topic i left that topic and jumped onto a new one.
The next topic I wanted to post was about the famous rivalries around the world.I thought this one was a good one to talk about, but later changed my mind because of the fact that I had two posts on sports earlier,so scrapped the thought of posting about the "Famous Rivalries".
Then came the not so ultimate one,I prepared my mind to write about what all guys do when they stay in their in friend's place for a night,in my next post "One Night @ The Friend's Place" .I was thinking about the points that were to be discussed in the post.I myself having night-stayed many times in my friend's place had lots to write about : like the experiences we guys used to have,the fun we have,the topics we talked about,about the girls of my class.It was all turning out to be an Dirty Post(it is implicit).So i once again changed my mind not to post that one(I am so damn fickle minded!!!;-)).
Later asked my friend to help me out in finding a topic for the next post,my pal and myself being misogynists he asked me to write about what guys look for in a girl.It was such a crap topic,told him I was not interested to write about that.I do not know why I hate to write about Les Femmes.
Then in college,I had so much time that i could easily write about a topic.The topic I thought about was about the experiences rather trauma,myself and my pals go through one hour before our assessments and before the semester exams.And about what all a normal college guy can do in an hour or so.The title i chose for that post was "The Hour Game".It was a good topic to talk about,but I felt that I should not be so amateurish.That was my last "to be talked about" post.
Later in the evening while returning home from college I had this idea as to share my experiences about what all i wished to talk about in my next post that is this post.So I successfully published my next post "What Should I Blog About???".
Saturday, April 08, 2006
De l'école à l'Université !!!!
For those who do not know french,the title goes like this FROM SCHOOL TO COLLEGE.It is the transition ,of which every guy dreams of during his long break after the public exams.Dreams like bunking classes,wearing flashy clothes,sporting a David Beckham hair cut,wearing junk jewels when he is in college.The things i dreamt of before joining college were those of bunking classes,flirting with girls ;-).
That long vacation is the only ray of hope for the exam-stricken guy,who spends time dreaming about the fancy world of entering college, only for his hopes to be dashed when he joins some sick engineering college.Thats the worst part one would ever imagine of.
The first day of college seems to be a promising one because of all the hype given by the senior students of the college asking the new ones to enjoy their four year stay at college,leave alone the guys who might leave the college in the middle of their academic year.Profs and Lecturers start giving their good old lectures as to how a student has to be in the forthcoming years so as to project himself into a great position in the damned society as well as projecting college's name.This is also the day from which all hell might break loose.After all intros and crap,the guy starts searching for the apt benchmate who can be his confidant.
Seniors tired of birdwatching the old ones,go on the hunt for the new ones(ie the freshers).The vice versa is also applicable.Freshers also go on the hunt to catch new friends and also girlfriends(without knowing the consequences one might face).
Later in the academic year due to peer pressure the guy starts pestering his parents for a new mobile phone that has arrived in the market.The time he gets the mobile in his hands the happiness he gets is unexplainable.The next day after showing off enough with his mobile phone he sets off a mobile fad among his peers.The fad among the students goes on till there is a rule banning the usage of mobile phones in campus.RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN.Still the guy brings his mobile phone and enjoys its company in college.Similarly for all those guys who love their tees,a rule is put that no more t-shirts in campus.Now the guy starts feeling the heat of the college.Then comes into the life of that ill fated guy the introduction of the infamous ID card that has to be worn in campus.Damn it never would have that guy worn an ID card in school.Why push student such limits.Blame the system.
Enough of all the sick part of college which includes the lullabies(lectures ;-)) of the profs .Coming to the fun part of college.Whatever one does in college or whatver happens to a guy in college he has to give a treat to his peers.Be it a whitewash in the assessment tests,be it flirting with a girl whatever it might be a treat is a must.Then comes to flirting with girls,since i do not talk or flirt with girls i do not know much about it.Need info about flirting pls refer to some blog by a flirtatious guy.Then the most exciting part of college life,Bunking classes.It takes courage and guts for one to bunk classes on a full theory day or bunk lab.The thrill one gets out of it is an amazing one.Every guy should have a feel of it.Though bunking classes is possible through ODs(On Duty forms) the thrill lies only in bunking classes without ODs.Then comes the marching orders given by the prof if one does not answer a question .Most of the guys crave for these orders.Though one knows the answer he might not tell for the reason that he wants to get out of the damn class.Then getting caught red handed by the prof for meddling with the mobile while sitting in the last bench.
One more interesting part of college life is that of the exam time.Pre-Exam--study holidays, the time of the year where each guy is glued to his book(s),time where promises like wont watch tv,wont go online are made(though they are not kept),night studies become common,time when guys pretend to be serious.Then exams take place.Post Exam--post mortem on the exams are performed on the first day of the holidays hoping that all good takes place and then the fun begins.Being awake throughout the night,playing cricket,movies,discos,booze etc etc..
There are many more things that might happen in one's life in college.Most feel that college life is cool,but its not case for myself and some of my pals.We still feel that SCHOOL LIFE WAS ROCKING!!!!.
That long vacation is the only ray of hope for the exam-stricken guy,who spends time dreaming about the fancy world of entering college, only for his hopes to be dashed when he joins some sick engineering college.Thats the worst part one would ever imagine of.
The first day of college seems to be a promising one because of all the hype given by the senior students of the college asking the new ones to enjoy their four year stay at college,leave alone the guys who might leave the college in the middle of their academic year.Profs and Lecturers start giving their good old lectures as to how a student has to be in the forthcoming years so as to project himself into a great position in the damned society as well as projecting college's name.This is also the day from which all hell might break loose.After all intros and crap,the guy starts searching for the apt benchmate who can be his confidant.
Seniors tired of birdwatching the old ones,go on the hunt for the new ones(ie the freshers).The vice versa is also applicable.Freshers also go on the hunt to catch new friends and also girlfriends(without knowing the consequences one might face).
Later in the academic year due to peer pressure the guy starts pestering his parents for a new mobile phone that has arrived in the market.The time he gets the mobile in his hands the happiness he gets is unexplainable.The next day after showing off enough with his mobile phone he sets off a mobile fad among his peers.The fad among the students goes on till there is a rule banning the usage of mobile phones in campus.RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN.Still the guy brings his mobile phone and enjoys its company in college.Similarly for all those guys who love their tees,a rule is put that no more t-shirts in campus.Now the guy starts feeling the heat of the college.Then comes into the life of that ill fated guy the introduction of the infamous ID card that has to be worn in campus.Damn it never would have that guy worn an ID card in school.Why push student such limits.Blame the system.
Enough of all the sick part of college which includes the lullabies(lectures ;-)) of the profs .Coming to the fun part of college.Whatever one does in college or whatver happens to a guy in college he has to give a treat to his peers.Be it a whitewash in the assessment tests,be it flirting with a girl whatever it might be a treat is a must.Then comes to flirting with girls,since i do not talk or flirt with girls i do not know much about it.Need info about flirting pls refer to some blog by a flirtatious guy.Then the most exciting part of college life,Bunking classes.It takes courage and guts for one to bunk classes on a full theory day or bunk lab.The thrill one gets out of it is an amazing one.Every guy should have a feel of it.Though bunking classes is possible through ODs(On Duty forms) the thrill lies only in bunking classes without ODs.Then comes the marching orders given by the prof if one does not answer a question .Most of the guys crave for these orders.Though one knows the answer he might not tell for the reason that he wants to get out of the damn class.Then getting caught red handed by the prof for meddling with the mobile while sitting in the last bench.
One more interesting part of college life is that of the exam time.Pre-Exam--study holidays, the time of the year where each guy is glued to his book(s),time where promises like wont watch tv,wont go online are made(though they are not kept),night studies become common,time when guys pretend to be serious.Then exams take place.Post Exam--post mortem on the exams are performed on the first day of the holidays hoping that all good takes place and then the fun begins.Being awake throughout the night,playing cricket,movies,discos,booze etc etc..
There are many more things that might happen in one's life in college.Most feel that college life is cool,but its not case for myself and some of my pals.We still feel that SCHOOL LIFE WAS ROCKING!!!!.
Sunday, March 26, 2006

REAL MADRID----once any sport fan hears this name,he usually starts thinking about the starting line up of the world famous soccer team.Are they still the "los galacticos" or the new "lose galacticos" ??. I follow Spanish Primera Liga.I am a fan of the Los Galacticos.Their performances in the liga is much similar to the waxing and waning of the moon.
Real Madrid boasts of having some of the finest soccer players in the world.Its line up has Ronaldo,Robinho,Beckham,Zidane,Roberto Carlos,Raul and what more can they ask for???.The performances of the team has been pathetic in some matches and have sometimes been very good.The pathetic performances of the team has made the management change its coaches from time to time in regular intervals.First it was Carlos Quiroz,then Camacho,Wanderley Luxemburgo,and currently Juan Ramon Lopez Caro.Recently I read an article saying that Real Madrid are set to change their coach for the forthcoming season after the World Cup.They are targetting Carlo Ancelloti(AC Milan),Arsene Wenger(Arsenal) and not to forget Vicente del Bosque(Former Coach).
Out of the total 29 matches played in the current season they have lost 7 matches.Though this might seem ok.It is not the case.Ihey have lost to some of the teams that are trying to save themselves from relegation.This is not how such team should play.Their performances in the knockout stages of the Champions League was awful.They lost to Arsenal.Starting as favourites to win the game at the Bernabaeu ,they lost the match 0-1 to Arsenal thanks to the lone goal from Thierry Henry.This meant that they were no more in contention to win the champions league.
It does not depend on how much money they spend on buying classy players from around the world.It all depends on how they play ,that too as a team.The team has proved its marketing prowess.But it has to show its prowess on the field.The team of late has been losing to teams that are trying to save its position in the Liga
from being relegated.The team has been trying to draw matches and not to win.Against the big guns they play quite well but not upto their actual quality that they possess in reality.The team always look good on paper but on the field they are not quite upto the mark.I cant figure it out why???.
Some of the few factors i think are making this team to perform badly are:
The defence of Real Madrid has been letting down the team for a considerable amount of time since Hierro left.The presence of Hierro gave a very strong look to the team's defence.But it is not the case now,its defence has been caught open sometimes allowing the opponents to score freely.Madrid bought Jonathan Woodgate thinking that he would strengthen the defence but since his signing he has hardly played,blame it on the series of injuries he has been having.
Then the lack of ability to finish the goals.Players of late have been so ineffecient that they do not finish the goals that are well set up.Robinho,he is one such who can be blamed.He totally lacks the ability to convert the passes from Beckham into goals.If Raul had been in the team surely he would have got the team to scale new heights.Raul known for his finishes was injured for a long time.If he had been playing the earlier stages of the league Real Madrid would have retained their Number One position in the Liga and would still have been the Numero Uno.
Then the resting of key players when it came to big matches in the Liga as well as in the Champions League.I feel these factors are affecting the team's performance.
Bringing in new coaches or buying out new players will not bring cups and glory for the team .Only teamwork,concentration will help the team to relive their Golden Days.Then for sure they can be hailed as the LOS GALACTICOS and not as lose galacticos.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Australian Cricket on the Wane????

The actuating factor for me writing this blog was the shocking defeat of the mighty Australian Cricket team at the hands of South Africa...It was an hell of a thriller..As everyone knows...Lets dont deviate from the topic now...Is Australian Cricket on the wane???...Being an Australian cricket fan i would rather prefer a "no" as an answer...but sometimes i am forced to ask myself this question...its because of the recent dismal performances of the australian team...
It all started when Australia lost to then minnows Bangladesh in the Natwest Tri Series just before The Ashes in 2005..When i heard that i was so disheartened that i could not believe that such a mighty team could lose...but it was reality, i had to cope up with it...i thought then that it was the start of the Australian downfall....but they proved it wrong by sharing the Natwest Trophy with England and later winning the bilateral ODI series with England...It was then i had a ray of hope in me that the Australian Team could pull off another great whitewash in that forthcoming Ashes...
It was not the case though....England got The Ashes back after winning it 2-1....it would have been the most amazing test series of the year for a normal cricket fan....but for me it was not an amazing series at all.....what might have gone wrong???? (Cricket Australia would have also thought the same)...might be the thing that complacency crept into Punter's team....the striking fact of the series was that ,the team known for its fielding, was very much sloppy in the field..following the defeat the management dropped some of its famed players such as Michael Clarke,Damien Martyn,Jason Gillespie,Michael Kasprowicz ....the bowling attack looked depleted without two of the famous bowling quartet...
they once again proved the critics wrong by beating the "good on paper" World XI team in the Super Series...thrashing them in the one off test and also in the one dayers....
Factors i think that might cause the Australian downfall:
*Aging Players(the average age of an Australian Cricket Player is 30)
*The most controversial Rotating Policy....
*The concept behind selection of players...
Then later in the year they hosted West Indies for a 3 test match series...which they won convincingly 3-0...it was much of an one sided affair...Later in the VB series against SA and SL after some hiccups in the prelims they won the VB series finals against SL 2-1.....
In the New Year the team's first overseas tour was to that of SA....The tour started off with a 5 match ODI series with the hosts....Australia lost the first two ODIs in an unconvincing manner...But they won the next two ODIs levelling the series 2-2...the last match at Jo'Burg was the talk of the town for a week or so....it was a cracker of a contest....Australia hammered the SA bowlers all round the park....they hit a mammoth 434 for 4...it was a world record....after seeing this score on a local tv news channel i was on cloud nine... i thought the team would pull off a massive victory over SA...but it was not the case once again...Australia lost to SA by one wicket with a ball to spare...what went wrong once again????
How could a team with so much talent could not defend a massive total of 434...i was in shell shocked state for three to four days...still the score 438-9 scored by SA haunts me....what went wrong???....these series of poor performances made me to put the title of the blog as "Australian Cricket On the Wane???"...
Though i cant predict the downfall of australian cricket... i have a strong feeling that its not quite far away...lets hope for the best that there is no such downfall....Geoff Boycott once said "Australia is a Great Team with Good Players"..hope they keep up with that...through this blog one might feel that i sound anti australia, but still i am a die hard fan of the Australian Cricket Team...
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